Design Inputs
Parasitic Capacitance
gds - sent to foundary to fabricate chips tsmc is the largest foundary.
ASIC/SoC method
- Front end
- Developing chip -Architecting chip, VHDL verilog, RTL, verification on netlist, Validation when chip is back.
- Backend
- pnr
- post layout STA
- Physical Verification
AND gate in netlist format
module AND(A,B,Z)
input A,B;
output Z;
assign Z=A&B
module AND (A,B,Z)
input A,B;
output Z;
AND 2x1 i_and (.i0(A),.i1(B),.O(z))
PnR -> Gate to physical level in file format gds tool.
AND gate needs 3 PMOS , 3 NMOS
PnR steps
- Design Input
- library models creating milky way library
- Timing - Delay when signal is appearing to ICC compiler. Information of every cell of standard cell library.
- Sequential Circuit - f(Zprevious output, present input)
- Combination circuit
sequential element- is a memory element here for simplicity we take D Flip flop it has 1 bit memory storage.
sequential circuit = sequential element + combinational circuit;
Flip -flops are edge triggered - +ve edge triggered and -ve edge triggered. Edge triggered means the ouput arrrives with respect to clock and not with respect to input.
3 timing Arcs are present in the Flip- flop
- clock to Q delay
- Setup time
- Hold time
Block Level Implementation- Inputs
- Library models -Timing (LIB), Physical(LEF)
- Technology data (LEF)-metal layers,drc rules
- Design Netlist(.verilog or vhdl)
- Timing constraints(.sdc)
- Block size and shape
- Pins location(Pad location at top level)
- Blockage information- Placement blockage to avoid placement at some areas, routing blockage to avoid routing in some areas
- Power network- Pushdown from top level, build from bottom-up
Block Level implementation -Outputs
- DEF-Design representation with placement and routing
- LEF-Abstracted model of subchip for top level use with pins location/Blockages.
- ILM-Abstracted timing model for top level use
- Spef- RC parameters based on real Routing for each net in design
- Spice netlist- For running LVS
- GDSII- physical data (Binary format) understood by different tools.
- Netlist
Block Level Implementation
- Load all inputs required into implementation tool
- Run sanity checks
- Save design for next step
Design Import - Sanity Checks
- Library Checks
- Netlist Checks
- SDC Checks
- Netlist vs SDC checks
Design Import - Sanity Checks
- Library Checks -
- All cells have timing data(.libs for all cells)
- All cells have Physical data(.LEF for all cells)
- Netlist Checks
- Floating nets/pins
- Multi driven nets
- Black- boxed modules
- Combinational loops
Design Import - Sanity Checks
- SDC checks
- Clocks reaching all clock pins of flops
- Ports missing input/output delays
- Ports missing slew/Load constraints
- Multiple clocks driving same register
- Netlist vs. SDC checks
- Pre-Layout Timing
LEF-Library Exchange Format provides 2 views - FRAM view and LEF view
LEF is mainly used for showing physical information of cell
Physical view -also has 2 views 1. Abstract view - only required information 2. Layout view - circuit fabrication on silicon, all information is present.
Netlist contains
- Number of standard cell, components,logically connected
- memory analog input
- their connection
Timing Constrainst
- Clock information - ICC tool to optimise timing requirement met by clock - setup and hold
- Environment information - load, interaction with others, signal strength
- IO delay information- delay in input and output ports to send to others modules without deterioration
- Block size and shape
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